Assalamulaikum and Hello,
I have been reading several blogs by people I have never met in my life and find most of them to be interesting. Reading a few of those blogs have become like a ritual to me whenever I turn on my pc. Finding out about the daily activities of the bloggers, their thoughts, desires, dreams etc is what make me want to read their blogs. As a person who is involved in training ESL teachers I became curious about the possibilities of uisng weblogs this field. Thus, I've decided to start this blog to provide my students (at the moment I don't have any) with supplementary instructions and exercises on reading skills particularly critical reading skills which are essential for unversity level readings. Skills that will be covered are:
1. inferencing
2. understanding figurative language
3. drawing conclusions and predicting outcomes
4. generalizing
5. evaluating between fact and opinion
6. determining author's purpose
7. locating argument and support
All of you will need to set up your own blog using any of the free weblog tools on the internet such as this one. I will link all of your blogs to mine and you need to do the same too. Please visit my blog at least once a week.
Good luck and have fun.
Sources : College Reading Book 1 and 2, by Minnette Lenier and Janet Maker.Wadsworth.
The Reading Edge: 13 Ways to Build Reading Comprehension, by Ben E. Johnson. D.C. Heath and Company